
How Mindful Eating, Movement and Meditation Have Shaped My Motherhood Journey and My Approach With Clients

Written by:
Kerstin van Bolderen
Everyday I try to do at least one thing that positively moves the needle in each of these buckets, and when I do, I can feel and see the difference.

It was at our loft in Chicago, June 2018, when Chris and I found out we were pregnant. It was the most surreal, exhilarating feeling to know I had a tiny human growing in my belly. In that moment, I knew everything would be different, but I had no idea just how much my life would change forever.

This was a pivotal moment in my health journey, and I felt a new level of responsibility to myself and my baby. I had a vision of how I wanted to show up as a new mom, and made a commitment to dig deeper and make changes to my health that aligned with who I wanted to be - physically, mentally and emotionally. I had also just started my Functional Medicine Health Coach certification, and it felt serendipitous to have the opportunity to incorporate the knowledge and tools I was learning into my life, real-time. 

I focused on what I now call the “Three M’s” - Mindful Eating, Movement and Meditation. These continue to be the driving forces of my health today, and have shaped my pregnancy, postpartum and motherhood experience. They play an equally vital role in my coaching approach as I support clients in their health journey.

Mindful Eating

I got very intentional about the foods and beverages I consumed when I got pregnant. It wasn’t just about avoiding alcohol and raw fish, I wanted to make sure I was giving my body the fuel it needed to grow a healthy baby. I ate foods that nourished and energized my body, which I found led to fewer cravings for meals that were less nutrient-dense (and when I did get cravings I would listen to my body and indulge in moderation). I ate plant based, whole foods and drank celery juice every morning to aid in digestion.

The beautiful thing about eating this way is that I didn’t need to make any changes when it came to my recovery and postpartum phase. I continued to eat exactly as I had been, quality ingredients with a plant focus. It kept me going through many (read: a full year!) sleepless nights and continues to give me energy to keep up with Haiden. Eating this way has cleared my brain fog, helped with digestion issues and given my body an overall sense of vitality. 

The way I feel on a daily basis is directly correlated with how I eat, which is why I place so much value on nourishing food for my clients. Mindful eating is not about a diet and “good” or “bad” foods, but an awareness surrounding what you consume and how it makes you feel (physically and emotionally). It’s an approach to wellness that helps you tune into your body’s signals, and make food choices that honor your health and taste buds, while making you feel good. Remember that you don’t have to eat perfectly to be healthy. You will not suddenly get a nutrient deficiency or become unhealthy from one snack, one meal, or one day of eating. It’s what you eat consistently over time that matters. Progress, not perfection, is what counts. 


Without a doubt, the biggest mood shifter for me is movement. Whether it’s a walk, workout class or 20-minute yoga flow, it instantly makes me feel alive and grounded. My first trimester was extremely difficult due to daily nausea and exhaustion, but from the second trimester onward movement was therapeutic for me during pregnancy. 

The very best thing I did was listen to my body and adjust the type of exercises I was doing to meet my evolving needs. I swapped running for walking, and HIIT (high intensity interval training) for pilates and yoga. What my body used to crave wasn’t working anymore, and I adapted. Postpartum I’ve continued to operate this way, focusing on workouts that leave me feeling energized rather than depleted. With a lack of sleep and the time constraints of being a mom, it’s important for me to find workouts that are efficient and something I look forward to.

When I work with clients, I take the same approach. I want them to focus on how movement makes them feel - before, during and after. Shift your focus to how it feels to move your body, rather than the calorie-burning effect of exercise. This simple mindset adjustment makes all the difference when it comes to consistency.


I had dabbled in meditation pre-pregnancy, but never stayed consistent enough to realize its benefits. I struggled to “turn off” and felt like it just wasn’t my thing. Then a friend recommended I try pregnancy meditations to connect with the baby, and after a few nights of listening to free YouTube guided pregnancy meditations, I developed a new understanding of what it could offer. I felt so connected to my baby, and could feel him kicking, and “responding” to me every time I meditated. It provided such a sense of peace to have a moment of quiet to connect with my body, and tune into the beauty of the pregnancy experience. I found the more I meditated, the more grounded I felt, and any anxieties or frustrations became less acute. It gave me a stillness and perspective I was missing when I was caught up in the daily stressors of work and life. 

I wanted to bring this sense of calm with me into the delivery room, which led me to hypnobirthing classes. Hypnobirthing is a method of managing pain and anxiety during childbirth, involving various therapeutic relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and visualization. It was a priority for me to go into the experience without a fear-based mindset, and hypnobirthing helped ease my fear of the unknown. It was another form of meditation, focused specifically on mentally preparing for birth. I spent a lot of time practicing these techniques throughout my pregnancy, and it helped me have an incredible labor experience.

Meditation continues to be a cornerstone of my health. I am more present, calm and compassionate with Haiden. I’m also less reactive to negative situations, instead responding with a more mindful approach (not always, but I’m getting better!).  Studies also suggest that mindfulness affects many aspects of our psychological well-being—improving our mood, increasing positive emotions, and decreasing our anxiety, emotional reactivity, and job burnout.

I listen to 10-minute guided meditations, but there are so many other ways to practice mindfulness. It can be observing your breath, reading a book, spending time in nature without distractions, journaling, a gratitude practice, or getting lost in doing something you love. I work with clients to discover what form of meditation works best with their lifestyle, and how they can create a consistent practice. Anything that allows you to be present and fully engaged with whatever you’re doing at the moment.

Everyday I try to do at least one thing that positively moves the needle in each of those buckets, and when I do, I can feel and see the results. It has changed the way I view my body and mind, and has shaped how I show up for Haiden, every day. I’ve been able to keep up with this practice throughout my motherhood journey because it’s flexible. I’m constantly adjusting and listening to what my body needs, and responding accordingly. This is exactly the philosophy I take when working with clients. Life is busy and unpredictable, and my goal is to make your life more simple by taking your health out of that “unknown” equation. To give you the tools, resources and accountability you need to feel empowered as you care for yourself and your family, never feeling alone in your wellness journey.

As always, it's all about the little wins .


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Up Next:

How To Embrace Your Body’s Changes From Pregnancy, Instead of Fearing It
4 Mindful Eating Tips to Help You Connect With Your Body’s Needs‍
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